Golf Course Top Dressing Sand

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This has come to be a major part of the golf course superintendents maintenance program in recent years, with the continued improvements in the golf presentations the top dressings of fairways has become more evident in clubs from year to year.

We use Darcy Sands for all our speciality and golf course needs.

Advantages of using Darcy top dressing sand:

  • Superior quality, Consistent texture to ensure long term play-ability.
  • Brushes in easily, for less disruption in play.
  • Meets USGA top dressing specification.
  • Contains no soluble salts and has a 7.0ph
  • High silica content makes sand hard and weather resistant
  • Dried material available.
  • Particle sizing allow good water filtration and percolation.
  • Sub angular grain shape gives greater pore space and less compaction.
  • Adequate water holding capacity promotes quality turf grass growth.
  • National distribution.
  • Consistent sand source ensures consistent quality over the long term.
  • Holds Nutrients longer.